QVox is a visualization/edition tool for 3D volumetric data sets with a Qt based GUI.
It can:
- Read several3D volume files: RAW, VFF, 3DZ (own format with
basic RLE compression), PAN (Pandore library from the GREYC), VOL, NPZ.
- Manipulate volumes with voxels of several types (sizes): boolean (1 bit) unsigned char (8-bit), signed short (16-bit),
signed/unsigned long (32-bit), float or double.
- Import 2D images from file formats recognized by the Qt lib.
- Display and edit the volume using a slice by slice view (following one of the planes of coordinates).
- Export 3D views to bitmap files.
- Exports 3D views to vector graphics files: EPS, SVG and FIG(Xfig).
- Build and export smooth triangular meshes as .obj and .off (Geomview) files.
- Export the surfels/surface as a .off (Geomview) file.
- Let the user draw on or remove surfels or voxels in both 3D and 2D views.
- Let the user remove selected voxels that are simple only.
- Apply homotopic thinning algorithms (sequential and parallel) using (6,18),(6,26),(18,6)
and (26,6) adjacency pairs.
- Use several colormaps: gray levels, shades (red, green or blue), hue scale and random colors.
If the volume has size 3 in the fourth dimension, it is considered as a color (RGB) volume with true colors.
- Apply few operations on volumes: re-sampling x3, binarization, inversion, mirrors,
cropping to fit the bounding box, merge volumes, fill all cavities, hollow out a volume...
- Convert voxel type from one type to another.
- Launch external programs on the currently displayed volume directly from the interface. A simple XML
coinfiguration file describes the command parameters and a dynamically built dialog prompts
the user for them. External program may act like filter, data sources or data sinks.
- Import a triangular mesh trough a basic 3D rasterization method.
- Shade the surface according to a diffuse and specular reflection model using
a digital surface normal estimator.
Important: this soft uses no hardware acceleration for 3D rendering.
Still, visualization is achieved in real time after a single (possibly long) pre-computation.
- Sept. 1997, a 3D visualization program based on X11 is sketched.
- Aug. 2002, version 0.9.0, based on Motif and called MVox.
- March 2006, Qt3, Release 0.9.0b.
- Oct 2007, Release 1.0.0.
- Apr 2008, Qt4, Release 2.0.0
- 2011, Release 2.6.0
- 2024, Qt5, Release 2.8.0